Case Study How We Saved £100m & Built Long-Term Supplier Partnerships For A Client


Our client – a public sector body, was delivering a major infrastructure project who needed to establish longer term, more integrated relationships with a small group of trusted suppliers.

It was vital that the supplier had the resources and capabilities needed both to augment our client organisation and to provide specialised technical services needed to progress the right solution for the scheme.

The client required a supply chain that was equally motivated to deliver (or outperform) a challenging timeline for delivery whilst investing in solutions that significantly improve the whole lifecycle value of the solution we provided. Quantum 360 recommended that partners should exhibit behaviours that were collaborative and who were prepared to be bold, innovative, open, and energised. This should be reflective of how they work within their own teams, and when dealing with the other partners, and when working with the client.

Insight & Action

Quantum 360 designed the commercial and procurement strategy for the programme, setting out the approach to sourcing over £200m of professional services. Through a collaborative effort, the full procurement was led and managed on behalf of the client and key stakeholders by Quantum 360.

All procurements were within a very ambitious time scale, including working with specific governance and assurance processes within Central Government. Quantum 360 fully supported the internal client’s team to develop a detailed specification of requirements, where due to the organisational structure regular structured reviews took place to approve each stage of the process and documentation.

Due to the tight timescales for delivery, this meant that Quantum 360 navigated changing requirements, managing the external market and ensuring that the delivery of the procurements were made on time in parallel. This was all done with managing a complex number of stakeholders and working proactively to manage the project successfully.


All contracts were delivered on time and within programme, which were also subject to HM Treasury and Secretary of State approval.  Quantum 360 successfully delivered all procurements with savings of over £100m (50% based on the contract value)

The client organisation is also now equipped with the tools and pathway to better facilitate and progress projects and interrogate the veracity of procurement plans – ensuring relevancy to their strategy and introducing a robust and consistent approach to procurement.

As important as the delivered savings have been, the potential for long-term strategic relationships with the supply-chain have also been established as part of the work Quantum 360 delivered.
