Case Study Driving Sustainable Cost Savings


Quantum 360 was engaged by a Local Authority to plan and deliver savings to bridge their large budget gap. 

Due to funding pressures, the client was under increased scrutiny from Central Government and as result had implemented an Improvement programme.

Insight & Action

A review of the contract register identified high value contracts where renegotiation opportunities were explored to review existing costs and identify were  nonvalue added services could be removed.

Income opportunities  were reviewed and identified such as charging a tariff for electric vehicle charging points where none existed and cashless car parking.


We also recommended the review of non-value added activities from the procure to pay process, removing manual inputting and introduced electronic invoicing and automated supplier on-boarding.

Corporate spend efficiencies were identified such as reducing the number of multi-functional devices and re-engineering the office cleaning regimes in underutilized areas following changes to work patterns.


Savings identified by Quantum 360 exceeded the initial target within the first 3 months of engagement.  This target was subsequently extended by the client to drive further efficiencies over the remaining financial year.



  • A forward plan was implemented to ensure future procurements could be planned and properly resourced, together with introducing a Category Management approach that was aligned to the organisational structure in order that they could further support and deliver Directorates priorities
  • The Procurement Team was better placed to make informed and targeted decisions around extend, re-procure, consolidate or terminate specific services and ensure future requirements were procured a more efficient way
