Procurement Transformation Consulting Services

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Procurement Transformation

We combine our experience and skills with our clients, to transform their organisation’s performance and cost base.

Improved Commercial and Procurement Teams can deliver more efficiently, positively, and proportionally manage risk, whilst supporting internal teams to procure and manage high quality services that deliver value.

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Our Approach
to Transformation

By evaluating how the team and structure should meets the needs of its internal clients and the demands of the overall organisation, we can ensure that we reassess the structure, resources, systems and process to embed a bespoke operating model.

Our Methodology and Approach

Our previous experience has shown that the most effective way of supporting our clients is to fully explore the present opportunities, challenges, and organisational direction. We can then provide our clients with an efficient and effective solution that is tailored to their needs.

Using our standard review and assessment methodology, we follow a three-stage approach which could include the following key steps:

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  • Stage 1


    Understand your business objectives. This will give us a good understanding of your aims and objectives for the future direction.
  • Stage 2

    and Develop

    This is a collaborative exercise to future plan activities, improvements and specific tasks to align to the wider corporate objectives.
  • Stage 3

    and Transformation

    This is a hands-on approach to support an existing team in the delivery of the plan identified above. As we work with your team, transforming to the new ways of working and skills transfer, we will monitor and track delivery at each stage reporting on the likely impact of each change which will allow for better, more informed delivery of the end operating model.


Case studies

Our Strategic Insourcing Project For Business Growth And Efficiency

Quantum 360 was engaged by a client to implement a new Commercial and Procurement function into its organisation.

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Transforming Governance & Commercial Decision-Making For Improved Financial Oversight

Given the need to ensure that public funds are correctly accounted for, achieve value for money and eliminate waste through improved commercial decision making...

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Transforming Youth Sector Funding By Helping The National Citizen Service Launch A Revolution

Quantum 360 was commissioned to provide three key strategic projects for the National Citizen Service, a youth sector arm’s length body, and part of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

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