Strategic Procurement Solutions

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In contrast to the pre-tender estimates, Quantum 360 has successfully delivered £multimillion in savings against pre-tender estimates and generated significant social value benefits. We specialise in helping clients achieve their strategic procurement projects from high-level guidance to project management and leading specific strategic procurement activities. We mobilise a team to develop the required procurement strategies, ensuring the direction of the total project is fully understood by all, which is flexible to the organisation and their needs.

We have also introduced some innovative approaches to the procurement process by introducing a behaviour assessment within large strategic procurements during the evaluation process. This ensured that the preferred supplier not only delivered value for money but also was an excellent cultural fit for our client.

Strategic Procurement

Strategic Procurement

We can develop the ITT documentation, manage, and lead the full procurement process including the evaluation, award, and negotiation. We also ensure the effective mobilisation of contracts within what can be, stringent governance and spending controls, including where required Business Case development.

Post Procurement

Post Procurement

We also support the development of a full contract management suite of documentation (Contracts, Contract Management Plans, Task Order Development, Performance Management etc) plus reviewing the organisation’s readiness towards contract management to make sure that mobilisation of contracts was effective. This also includes developing bespoke training packages and delivery in addition to skills transfer for staff.


Procurement encompasses all actions taken to acquire necessary goods and services, from raw materials to cleaning services, often based on immediate needs. Strategic procurement, however, integrates these activities into an efficient, cost-effective strategy aligned with long-term organisational goals, encompassing services, goods (including capital purchases), direct, and indirect procurement to improve efficiency, mitigate risk, and diversify supply chains.

Contract Management Guide

Would you like to know how contract management can benefit your business?

This free guide will help you discover the effectiveness of contract management and why this is key for maximum growth.

Case studies

How We Helped A Local Authority Exceed Budget Targets & Build A Sustainable Future

Quantum 360 was engaged by a Local Authority to plan and deliver savings to bridge their large budget gap.

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From Strategy To Execution: We Delivered Successful Processes For Government & Partner Transition

Quantum 360 was engaged by an Arm’s Length Body (with Royal Charter status) of a Government Department to support them in procuring their programme delivery partners.

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